Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Aktiviti Penyelidikan JPIPK 2011

Tarikh: 7 Mac 2011
Masa : 2.30 ptg
Tempat: DARK
Tajuk:Kuantitatif dan SPSS
Penceramah :En. Lokman Abd. Wahid.
Semua pensyarah dijemput hadir.

Bengkel Penyelidikan Fasa 2 : Instrumentasi Kajian

Tarikh: 23-24 Mac 2011
Hari: Rabu-Khamis
Tempat:Dewan Pak Sako
Masa: 8.30 pagi- 4 petang
Sasaran: Penyelidik-penyelidik Jabatan 2011.
Fasilitator: Dre, Fid dan Shy.
Tajuk-tajuk perbengkelan :pembinaan instrumen soal selidik, pemerhatian, temubual.

Qualitative Reporting

Anaylitic Reporting
Researcher emphasis interpretational / structional anaylise of case study data
Conceptualise the study from positivist perspective
Objective writing style conventional –intro, lit. review, method result, discussion
Identify construct,them n pattern
Use multiple case design
Cross case
construct, theme pattern manifest in particular case
Use matrix to display
Network flow
Help Researcher organize the result in data analysis, n present research findings so that easily comprehend the reader
Miles n hubberman sourcebook many example matrix.

Qualitative Reporting

Reflectif reporting
Use literary devices to bring the case alive
Tell stories
Weaves case study data into a story
Ability of being a story teller
Organizing n presenting a case study as a story:
- Relating events in cronologi order
- Focus the story on key event
- events through the point of view of the participants (emic perspectives)(direct codes)
- Reporting a day in the life
refer pg 467-470 educational research an introduction seventh edition
Meredith D,Gall Joyce P.Gall Walter R,Borg 2003 pearson education,Inc


Consist of oral question by interviewer n response
Step preparing n conducting interview
Define the purpose of interview
1. Select respondent
2. Design format of interview - ex: telephone (refer pg 241), computer assist telephone interview
3. Develop question – refer pg 243-244
4. choose n do interview excercise
5. Pilot test the interview
6. Conduct interview - refer pd 247
7. Anylise the interview data
suggestion: questionnaire n interview as research instrument- refer pg 251.

Instrumentation : Questionnaire

Questionnaire are one of the instrumentation. Questionnaire are also document that ask question. Below are steps in building, constructing and administering the questionnaire

1. Define research objectives
2. Select sample
3. Design the questionnaire- guideline for designing book Meredith d. gall ms 226.
4. Pilot test
5. Pre contacting the sample
6. Writing the cover letter for mail questionnare ex pg 232
7. Follow up with non respondent by sending a follow up letter
8. Annalyse the questionnare data